********** HOT SEX FANTASY ********* Some friends were throwing a halloween costume party, and the invitations were by phone only. Denise, my girlfriend, was very excited about this party, and said that Sondra threw the "wildest parties ever". Denise had promised our presense, and started looking for costumes. With over a month to prepare Denise started calling every place in the phone book. Several days later I was dragged down to a small shop which rented costumes mostly to theatrical groups. There Densie outfitted me as a Roman soldier, replete with shield and sword (a wooden sword). It was a nice fit, and the leather bracing of the cloth added a certain manliness to the appearance. Denise was eyeing a gown that looked right for about 17th century France (and it looked expensive), but the proprietor took her back and let her try on a different gown first. It was a good choice. The gown was made of layers of thin fabric, and it left her left shoulder bare. It was a classic "Roman" woman's dress, and with Denise's figure (5'5", 113, Blonde, blue, and 34D-22-34) she looked stunning. We paid the tab, promising to bring them back after Halloween. The shopkeeper smiled and told us that every year he loves to watch us "amatuers" dress up and have fun. We laughed and left with our costumes in neat boxes, teasing each other about the fun we could have with them. The day of the party, Denise bought some cheap masks (everyone was supposed to wear one), and started preparing. Our preparations started with a long hot shower together, and we teased each other quite a bit before drying off. I was adjusting the waistband of the kilt-like Roman soldier's outfit and I looked up and saw Denise slipping into her dress. I remarked about her lack of any undergarments, and she smiled seductively. She stood near a strong light and while you couldn't see anything, it certainly promised quite a lot. Especially the way her breasts moved under the sheer fabric. Even several layers didn't stop them from quivering if she moved quickly. I started to dress, wearing jockey shorts under the soldier's kilt. The kilt reached my knees (almost) and Denise slid a hand underneath and pulled them down. I leaned back while she gave me head, and she stopped when she had my shorts in her hand, free of my feet. "There now," She giggled, "you're really dressed like a Roman." I argued that I was not accustomed to wearing a kilt and that I'd feel rather exposed if I didn't wear shorts. Denise exposed a lucious breast and told me that I'd not get any tonite unless I went along with her plans. I've given up trying to figure out how her mind works, so I went along with the game (but I did stuff some spare shorts in the soldier's money bag on the belt). Driving over to Sondra's didn't take long and I fought a hard-on the whole way. Los Angeles doesn't get very cold until mid-December, so the night air felt like erotic caresses under my kilt. Denise's nipples were standing at full attention, pressing against the fabric of her dress. As we got out of the car, I stood lit a cigarette for the both of us to relax. I had an idea, and explained that I'd be her military bodyguard (what a job!) and announce her as "Princess Denesia" tonight. She giggled and agreed. We walked up to the house and rang the bell. Sondra's house was up in one of the canyons and off the beaten path. There were quite a few cars parked in and around her front yard already, and the sounds of a party evident but not loud. When the door opened, we both looked twice and almost didn't recognize Sondra. Sondra is as tall as I am (5'10"), with fairly short dark brown hair, and quite a nice figure for a woman in her early thirties. Her figure is slim, but with the curves in all the right places. Her 34B-22-35 figure often made me jealous of Dave, her husband. The woman who opened the door had golden blonde hair down to past her ass, and she appeared to be stark naked. We both looked twice and when she smiled then laughed we heard Sondra's voice. She was wearing a very tight-fitting light tan body suit on which her artistic husband had painted nipples, a navel, and other appropriate visual clues. I kissed her after Denise did, and remarked at how realistic her "costume" was. She laughed and said that Dave had gone to great detail to be sure that no matter what position she was in, it would look realistic. She turned and bent over and Denise gasped then giggled. Her "vulva" appeared from behind, and Dave's work was so realistic that I fought another hard-on. The blonde wig she wore obviously made her "Lady Godiva" for the evening. She led us into the back of the house, where the party was already underway. I stopped at the bar, picking up a drink for each of us, and talked with my favorite bartender (Dave of course). He was dressed as cowboy, and his tanned and lined face made him look the part. I praised Dave's handiwork with Sondra's costume and scanned the room while he told me how Sondra modeled for it. I tried not to listen, fighting to keep my cock from becoming obvious. There was a cave woman in a fake tiger-skin, some guy dressed as Tarzan (or should that be "undressed"?), a couple of women dressed as old-west saloon dancers (with figures that matched), Christopher Columbus (I guessed), and a gal dressed as Cleopatra. There were too many others to mention, except for two gals that got my attention. One gal was dressed as a "southern belle" and the other (who first peaked my curiosity) was dressed as a buffalo scout. She had an obviously fake moustache, but what seemed peculiar was that even with her tight fitting cowhide costume, her breasts seemed almost non-exist- ant. I wondered if perhaps I was looking at a feminine guy. Dave noticed my stare. "Her name is Joanie." He said off-hand. "And the gal with her is Ann." I looked at Dave and he smiled, saying that he thought Joanie was a bit butch, as he'd seen her dress as a man at last year's party. I moved off to mix with the crowd, finding Denise talking with Sondra and another woman I didn't recognize. They were talking about the fabled Roman orgies and such things, and Denise exclaimed as I approached. "Here comes the best soldier, and the best stud in all of Rome!" Her comment made Sondra and the other woman laugh, as well as several others. Sondra took my arm and guided me over to another group of people, most of whom I couldn't recognize behind their masks. I found myself talking to a somewhat too short Abe Lincoln, a pony-express rider, a WW-I Spad pilot, a nurse, a 20's flapper, and a young woman dressed as an Indian. This last gal did some very nice things to her chamois-skin dress which barely covered her to mid- thigh. We began talking about recreational pursuits like skiing or camping, and how they made our lives and jobs bearable, common enough talk at a party like this. I wandered through the party, joining conversations and enjoying a relaxed atmosphere. Dave came up and took my arm, saying he had a really neat idea. I followed him towards the garage, and he stopped to pull "Pocahontas" along with us. The tight fitting chamios dress she was wearing hugged her lovely form and it made her very alluring. Once in the garage, Dave explained his idea. He was going to air-brush on our masks with an alcohol-based paint that would wash off with simple cold-cream. After a second to think about it, I agreed, and sat down and let him paint a mask over my face and eyes. The paint was very cold as it hit my face, and Dave started on one cheek, moving evenly over my tightly closed eyes. The paint stayed cold as the alcohol evaporated and I could smell the vapors. Dave fanned at my face with a cardboard sheet and told me to open my eyes. "Pocahontas" was standing directly in front of me when I did, and she gasped as my eyes opened suddenly, seeming to jump out of the black mask. Her nipples were pushing against the material and her face seemed flushed. Dave motioned for us to change places and we did. My reaction when she opened her eyes was the same, a slight start when her eyes opened and became a stark contrast to the deep black mask. Dave told us to put our cheap masks back on, so that no one would know until after midnite. We both caught his laughter and replaced our masks and rejoined the party. Sondra caught up with me at the bar (now tended by a 30's gangster), and led me out back onto the deck. She drew my attention down the slope of the yard where, in the darkness, I could see two figures moving in a very specific rhythmn. I looked at her and she giggled that it was "Cleopatra" and "Tarzan" down there fucking each other silly. I looked around and saw Denise through the crowd inside, talking with the "butch" buffalo scout and her Southern belle and mentally reminded myself that we did have a somewhat open relationship. It was about eleven o'clock when Sondra took center stage (so to speak) in the room and announced that at midnight there would be a very unique unmasking of all the guests. I smiled and my eye caught "Pocohontas" looking over at me. We smiled at each other, knowing what surprises we had under our masks. Just so the reader knows, the lighting at the party was dim, mostly reds and yellows, keeping a subtle moodiness over us all. Sondra disappeared and Dave now was telling us that they had made the rest of the house into a fantasy world for us to explore after our un-masking. He also explained that anyone wishing either to leave or stay the night was welcome to do so, just as long as Dave or Sondra knew. An excited babble started and Denise sought me out. "See?" She said. "I told you they threw the best parties." "I thought you said 'wild parties'" I said back to her. Her reply was a small throaty laugh, and she said to wait, the best part was coming up. I'd forgotten all about my lack of underwear and suddenly I felt naked in my Roman outfit. At about eleven-thirty, Dave drew everyone into the room and produced a small box. He had the Southern-belle draw a slip of paper. He read from the paper. "Cleopatra" Dave said in an even voice. The girl that had earlier been in the back yard came forward and stood next to Dave. She looked at him expectantly, then he indicated for her to draw another slip of paper. Dave read that one too. "Indiana Jones" he announced triumphantly. A man came up, and he was dressed just like the character, down to the hat, jacket and the bullwhip. Dave now explained that these two were to un-mask each other for the remainder of the party. "Un-Mask each other completely" he added. Since Cleopatra's name was drawn first, she was allowed to "un-mask" Indiana Jones first. She started unfastening his clothes and quickly had him stark naked except for his mask. I heard my own gasp along with many others when she removed his mask and his face had the same painted-on mask as I did. I then guessed that Dave had led everyone to beleive that only they had one. "Indy" had a large cock that was growing as he began undressing Cleopatra. He quickly removed her flimsy garments and bared her fine figure. He left her bracelets and necklaces on (a nice touch), and finally removed her mask, revealing an- other painted on. This went on for several rounds. Finally, someone drew, and I heard Dave say "Roman Warrior". Well, my ticket was up. I walked up, fighting (without much success) a building erection. Another name was drawn, and to my surprise it was "Buffalo Scout". The young woman who looked flat chested stood before me, eyeing me hard. I began by squatting carefully to avoid displaying my nakedness underneath the kilt (although why at this stage I don't know), and pulling her tall moccasin type boots off. Untying the draw- string of her buckskin pants and pulling them down, I saw the most beautiful light brown bush nestled between a pair of lovely thighs. I held the pants as she stepped out of them and saw that her thighs didn't meet at the top, leaving a small gap between them and her vulva. As I moved to stand up, I de- liberately exhaled my hot breath against her mons. I stood very close to her and she looked up into my eyes, hers now seeming to plead for me to take her. I pulled her buckskin top over her head, taking the fake moustache with it when it pulled over her head. and looked at her. Her breasts were very small, and her nipples were dark and erect. My arm brushed against her stomach as I tossed her top onto the heap of other costumes. I looked at her and started to remove her mask, her eyes flashing with a lusty look. I had figured her for a lesbian, but her breathing was irregular, and her face was flushed. She too had the painted mask, so her face remained obscured in the dim light. She took her turn, smiling as she knelt in front of me. Her hands unfastened the sandals I wore and slid up my legs lightly, caressing me. I felt my cock rising, and nothing I could do would prevent it. I glanced about the room, and saw that several men's costumes contained bulges, and the ones undressed where fully aroused. The girl's hands disappeared under my kilt, apparently planning on removing my underwear first. She stopped suddenly and looked up at me, surprise registering on her face. Her hands slid from my hips to my groin and she wrapped her hand around my cock. "Now I know what Roman Soldiers DON'T wear under here!" She said, eliciting a laugh from the crowd. She found the clasp of the kilt and it dropped away. She was still kneeling and as she stood up, she let my cock brush her face and chest. I sighed deeply when she faced me. She stood almost against me as she undid the many buttons of the tunic, my cock pressed upwards against her stomach. She started undulating sensuously against me, and I heard the cat-calls and whistles, mostly from the other ladies present. I saw Denise watching, a big smile on her face, her nipples pressing against her dress, and she was rooting for the "buffalo scout" to continue. She peeled my tunic off, pulling it off towards my back and pressing herself against me. Her lips grazed my right nipple and I felt her tounge flick over it quickly. She pulled my tunic off and let it drop to the floor. Pressing her short body against me, she raised her hands and removed my mask, showing the now standard paint-mask. Her nails raked down my back as she sensously gave me a brief hug. Everyone applauded a good performance (on her part) and Dave told us to stand with the other naked guests. The room was segregated by dressed and undressed. The undressed side was dwindling quickly and since my turn, it seemed that the acts were getting more and more erotic. Two turns later Denise was called up just before the Southern- belle. It dawned on me that two men could be undressing each other, but as it turned out none did. I wondered how Denise would react, and watched her move quickly to undress the small blonde. Once the dress fell away, Denise was faced with a lavender corset. The blonde wore no panties and her bush showed clearly. I watched, very aroused, when Denise started unfastening the corset by reaching around the blonde instead of standing behind her. The blonde just leaned into Denise and her face was just barely above Denise's cleavage. Once the corset released her, her breasts sagged just a bit to reveal their true fullness and shape. Denise knelt again, sliding the corset down the belle's legs. When she stood, her hands glided up the sensuous body, cupping both full breasts. Denise removed the mask and there was no surprise at the other one painted on. Now it was Denise's turn, and I was very aroused by her bold touching of another woman. She'd never mentioned anything about other women so I assumed that she was a straight-arrow. The petite blonde belle knelt and took care of the sandals, and she stood and reached around Denise, looking for a way to release her dress. Her hands roved over Denise's back and sides, looking for the hidden fastenings. Denise's chest rose quickly and her hips moved in a sensual way. The "buffalo scout" was named Joanie and she stepped next to me and whispered. "Your wife?" She asked. I told her Denise was my girlfriend. She ran her hand down my back, smiling, and said simply "Good." The blonde was peeling Denise's dress off slowly, her hands caressing every inch as the dress slid to the floor. Denise stepped out, a flush visible between her breasts. "Your girlfriend Bi?" Joanie whispered. "Not that I know of." I replied. The blonde was now slithering up Denise's body, pressing hers against Denise's as she rose to remove the mask. "Ann's incredibly sexy isn't she?" Joanie asked. The question needed no reply, and I watched as she removed Denise's mask. Everyone applauded and made some comments about the "heat" that Ann had generated with Denise. Denise and Ann came over to us and we talked while more names were drawn. Ann's hand rested on Denise's ass, and she didn't seem to object. "See what I mean by a wild party?" Denise asked. She turned to Ann, and thanked her. Ann squeezed her cheek and kissed her lightly. Ann turned to me and asked if I had enjoyed Joanie's teasing. "Do I look dead?" I asked. Six eyes went down to my erect cock and they all smirked and shook their heads. Denise and Ann went to get some drinks for all of us and we continued to watch the show. Sondra was up with a younger guy dressed as a sailor. Sondra was to be undressed first, and the "sailor" showed some real imagination. Sondra's body-suit didn't hide much, and what it did, it advertised. The sailor didn't even start with unfastening the suit, but went directly into licking her "painted" parts through the suit. Sondra's hips were swaying as the sailor worked down and mouthed her pussy through the fabric. My cock twitched when she pressed her pelvis forward against his eager mouth. I felt Joanie's hand wrap around my cock and squeeze, so I slid mine down and under her ass, finding her opening wet and the lips already open. She leaned against me while we watched the sailor repeat his licks as he took Sondra's body-suit off. Denise and Ann came back, and Denise warned Joanie not to get me too worked up this early. Sondra was standing with the sailor's mouth firmly on her now naked pussy, her hands pressing his face against her. Some of the women were shouting encouragements to them and finally Sondra had to step back and away in order to keep things moving along. Sondra's breathing was very heavy as she quickly removed the sailor's uniform. She started with his shirt and worked down. His cock sprang free and stood at attention, all nine or ten inches! As Sondra worked the pants over his feet, she swallowed him whole, taking it almost completely down her throat. Some people gasped at the amazing feat, and Joanie squeezed my cock hard. My finger slipped into her hot little pussy, and I felt her juices on my hand. Sondra un-masked the sailor finally and they joined our side of the room. A short time later, the last couple was paired up and took center stage. This was the cave girl and Tarzan (an appropriate couple). Neither of them had much to remove and they did each other simultaneously. As soon as they were both naked, "Tarzan" picked up the small cave girl and turned her upside down, holding her twat up to his face. He started sucking her pussy and her mouth sucked his cock while the stood there. Everyone started applauding the show, and they finally stopped and unmasked each other. Sondra announced that the rest of the house was open for exploration, all except two closed doors that were off-limits (please). Denise, Ann, Joanie and I started to wander towards the other rooms, curious as to what they held. The first room was faintly lit and soft cushions abounded. A film played on one wall showing a belly dancer in the middle of a harem of naked women. The women were all working each other up into a frenzy as the dancer danced. Ann and Denise stayed, with Denise telling me not to worry, she'd catch up. I felt a tingling sensation and was torn between staying to watch what might happen between her and Ann, and wanting to explore more of the house. Joanie and I went to the next room, and found matresses covering the floor and another movie playing on the wall. We watched a porn queen taking two cocks in her cunt at the same time, and then we followed several people down to the basement. There we saw a well equipped B&D and S&M chamber and several people were already enjoying. Joanie wasn't into that so we found another room. In this one Joanie practically dragged me to the cushions before I could really tell what it was about. On the wall was a girl deep-throating a huge cock and the scenes changed to show various oral sex scenes. Joanie started to suck my cock greedily, watching the screen. I tried to pull her pussy up so I could suck her too, but she resisted, telling me just to watch the movie. Joanie was sucking my seven inch cock with wild abandon, her saliva drooling down and making my balls wet. I realized she was following everything the girls in the movie were doing and relaxed and started enjoying. The girl in the movie suddenly received a faceful of come, and started rubbing it all over her face. Joanie was rubbing my cock on her face, moaning and gasping. Another scene started, obviously spliced in at the midway point. A young blonde girl was sucking an averaged sized cock deep into her mouth. Joanie took me all the way down to the root and I moaned. She parted from the movie, repeating the deep-throating of my cock, forcing her mouth down rapidly. She was using my cock to fuck her mouth, and I started raising my hips to meet her. The girl on the screen received her mouthfull of jism, and Joanie seemed to go crazy, rubbing my cock on her face and licking under my balls. Another scene started, and this time I reached over and began finger fucking Joanie's soaked pussy. Her hips moved up and gave me better access to her dripping hole, and she sucked me with a renewed vigor. I watched the movie and a busty redhead leaned back as two guys spurted their come on her big tits. A montage started after that, showing guys coming on girls faces, tits, asses and cunts, with the emphasis on their faces and tits. I felt a rising surge, Joanie still wildly sucking my cock. I told Joanie I was going to come, and she went into a complete lust for my cock. I decided I knew what turned her on, so I asked her. "Would you like me to come all over your tits? Your face?" I said huskily. Her reply was through her panting, "God!...Yes!...My tits...face...Yes!" I moved her onto a cushion so she could watch the movie or me, and I knelt, my hips straddling her stomach. She was propped up almost vertically, and she sucked me into her mouth. "Make me cum baby" I said and I felt the rising heat inside me. Joanie sucked, rubbed her face with my cock, and did every- thing a guy could wish for, and I felt a huge orgasm rising. She began to stroke me with both her small hands and I felt the first pulsing gush flow into her mouth. Another gush, again into her mouth, and I pulled back, pushing my cock down in time for the next flooding rush to cover her right tit with thick white cum. She arched up, pressing her nipple to my cock and I fired again. I stroked myself and started rubbing my cock on her face, my cum was still spurting onto her lips and into her hair. Joanie shuddered and moaned loudly, rubbing her face and tounge all over my cock. As we began to slow down, I used my hand and rubbed the thick sperm from her right tit all over her chest, pinching her nipples wetly. I watched in awe as her eyes rolled back and she shuddered again, twitching each time I pinched or pulled her nipples. Finally we both fell into a heap next to each other, breathing hard and glistening with sweat. Joanie told me that she comes only if someone is rubbing or sucking her clit, or if she gives head and can feel the come on her sensitive tits. Fascinated, I talked to her until my flagging cock was standing hard again, and this time I came in her mouth alone, pulling and pinching her nipples hard as her mouth filled with my cum. She orgasmed again and kept cuming as long as her nipples were toyed with. We looked around us and several other couples were in the room, in various stages of sexual encounters. Ann and Denise came into the room and over to us. Both busty gals a contrast to the small breasts of Joanie. I could tell that Ann and Denise had been having fun, their pussy lips were distended and swollen, and they both tasted like pussy when we kissed each other. Joanie too kissed Ann and Denise, with long tounging strokes. I asked if they'd like to join us at our place. Ann smiled and said that Denise had just suggested that. We all dressed and headed to our place. Denise rode with Ann and Joanie with me. I told Joanie that I was surprised that she didn't have to beat guys off with a stick since her oral talents were very pleasing and arousing. She blushed and said that she hadn't had too many men in her life (only four I found out), but that women also seemed to be very interested in her "gift". At our apartment, Joanie explained to Denise and Denise looked at me and smiled. Denise explained that while I loved to suck and lick her pussy for hours, she didn't like me to come in her mouth all that much. Ann suggested we shower and go to bed together and have a long foursome session, doing whatever seemed fun. Ann and Denise showered first and Joanie and I ate each other until they finished. Joanie was very horny when we took our shower and sucked me off again in the shower, while I pulled her nipples. We both came, and then washed up, joining Denise and Ann in the bedroom. The girls were already into a heavy sixty-nine and Joanie and I curled up and watched. Joanie reached over and tasted some of Denise's cream, then she slid over and joined them. The sight of three horny women doing each other got me hard again, and I slipped my cock into Joanie's pussy from behind. She sucked Denise while Ann sat on Denise's face. Ann was the first to orgasm and she bucked and moaned loudly before falling off Denise and laying on her side, curled up in a happy haze. I told Joanie to bend Denise's legs back and suck her cunt hard and fast. Joanie complied and started to bring my girlfriend off. I reached under Joanie and used two fingers to massage her hard bud of a clit. Her hips rose up and she rocked them back and forth. Her fires ignited, she lapped Denise into a frenzy, stopping just before she came, then starting again. Denise was sweating heavily, her face and tits flushed, her breathing ragged. Finally Denise came, and Joanie sucked and licked her slowly, keeping her on the edge for quite a while. Denise curled up with Ann, who now was watching Joanie and me. I pulled Joanie's delicate hips up and started ramming her from behind, fingering her clit as I did. She moaned and squirmed, forcing her hips back against me very hard, and she started to come just before I did. I drove against her so hard that I lifted her off the bed, impaling her on my cock. She screamed and shuddered on my cock, her whole body wracked by an explosive orgasm. We both fell over and laid on our sides, shaking and sweating together. "Je-SUS KEE-RIST!" Ann said. "I've never seen anyone come that hard!" Both Joanie and I smiled. Denise put in her comment with, "God-DAMN!" About a month later, Denise moved in with Ann, and Joanie moved in with me. We still see each other regularly, and still have our foursomes about once a month. Joanie has told me that I'm the first guy that has ever made her come without rubbing her clit (last week). She still loves me to come in her mouth, or on her tits, but she's learning to relax and enjoy a good hard fucking. We both like to watch a porno movie and tease each other, sometimes Joanie comes while I'm rubbing or sucking her nipples, and other times she just lays back and lets me tease her to near orgasm. Then when we go to bed, she can come without needing me to rub her clit. I just bought her some small light clamps for her nipples and she loves to wear them on weekends. Ann and Denise have their own boyfriends, and they are glad Joanie and I met, as we've fallen in love with each other. My only regret is that Joanie may kill me with her sexy mouth or pussy. If I do go, however, it will be with a terrific smile on my face!